Posts Tagged ‘ccPhp’

Reviving the ccPhp Framework

10 Nov

I had kinda given up on my PHP framework (as I’d mentioned in my “Simplicity via PHP Frameworks” article). But as I embarked on another little web project and realized that I might b … Reviving ccPhp. It took longer than I would have liked, to get up and running. … I noted that, at its core, it has a very programmatic approach to building a web page. That is, it assumes …

[This post was hacked, due to a WordPress bug, and I hadn’t backed it up. I tried to find it via some of the web caching/archival sites like, but, to no avail. The snippet above was a snippet from what the Facebook page preserved. A lot of thought went into the post, but once I spew my thoughts out onto the page, I wipe my brain of the details. If I find the rest, I’ll update this.]


Buried in PHP Frameworks

30 Sep

With thanks to “moomin lens” via Flickr

There are 100s of PHP frameworks out there, but I have been so frustrated with so many of them; they are either too complex, not well designed, not well documented, buggy, or all of the above. Also, there is a lot of great technology for PHP that are notfull frameworks. It’d be nice to have a framework that does not try to do everything but, instead, allow easy integration of “best of breed” technologies. And a much more subjectively, only a subset of frameworks out there (though growing) embrace object design as typical of traditional, non-web programming using C++, Java, C#, etc. PHP 5 allows that kind of programming, but not all framework developers have embraced that approached it yet. I’ve spend a non-trivial amount of time with the following (well, I haven’t spend enough time with Kohana, yet): Read the rest of this entry »