Okay, back to basics, the very low level basics. HTTP is text based, telnet enables a network connection via a text-based command line. All good. We can use telnet to talk to a web server by manually typing text to it, if you know the details of the content syntax to send HTTP via telnet.
Though this is not done, often, it is still good to know how it can be done. In fact, since these basics rarely change, I shouldn’t have even had to write this down, since it should be innate.
Sending HTTP Using Telnet
Once you get telnet running (see section, below), it is just a matter of typing HTTP to the server, manually.
There are four pieces the first three are shown, here:
GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: cachecrew.com Connection: close
- This is the start of the HTTP commands you can enter. The first line must specify the HTTP method. There are three parts: Read the rest of this entry »